Grade 7/8 Lunch Tutorial

Completing schoolwork and meeting deadlines has been an ongoing concern with students for both teachers and parents. To address this concern and to ensure all students are successful, teachers will assign Grade 7/8 students who have not met these expectations to attend a mandatory session during Period 4 on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday with a Tutorial teacher. Subject teachers are responsible to communicate with the student what day(s) they are to attend and what work is to be completed during this time. Teachers will also enter the required information into One Note on the date(s) the student is to attend to allow for the Tutorial teacher to know what work is to be completed.


Students should arrive no later than 5 minutes after the end of Period 3. Students will be allowed to bring their lunch and eat and work at the same time. If lunch needs to be warmed up, then arrangements will be made with the tutorial teacher before that 5-minute window ends.

Students will not have time to line up at canteen, so they will have to be prepared to bring their own lunch on that day.


If a student does not attend, the Tutorial Teacher will email and inform the subject teacher. The subject teachers up will follow up with the student and the assigning teacher will communicate this with the parent. The student, even if they have completed the work, will still owe "time" the following Tutorial session. If it becomes a chronic issue subject teachers will communicate with parent and Administration and further discussions may occur.


Students may also be signed up to attend this session if they have left class 5 times in a teacher’s class in a calendar month. On the fifth time the teacher will follow the same procedure as above by communicating with the student and using the OneNote to communicate with the tutorial teacher the reason they are attending. It is important to develop the skills of responsibility: using breaks to prepare for class, bring the appropriate materials, use the washrooms, and be organized and in the classroom ready to learn at the scheduled time.


*Same process is followed if student skips/does not attend.



If after 2 scheduled periods of Tutorial, the student still does not have the work completed or has not attended, the assignment will be given an "E". It will then be a parent responsibility to work with their child to complete the work to change this mark. Once the Term is over that mark will remain as is at the end of Term 1.